I spoke at the Wolfeboro Senior Center on the role of durable powers of
attorney, medical powers of Attorney and Living wills, Wills and Trusts. I also spoke about the new law that allows
Nursing Homes and Assisted Family members to sue friends and family
helping nursing home residents or who
received gifts from the residents for the time for which Medicaid refuses to
pay. The Senior Center hosted event which was open to the public and joined by
the members of the Wolfeboro Seniors Club.
The four course meal was delicious and my fellow diners were
delightfully cordial and entertaining. I
got to visit with folks from Wolfeboro, Brookfield, New Durham, Westchester
County and Long Island, New York, where I attended law school and the Wolfeboro
Seniors Club, a longtime friend of my families and the mother of high school
friend. In other words, I had a fun visit
and a great audience for my presentation who asked excellent questions.
Thank you to Lynn Tyler for inviting me.